STEM and Out-of-School Time
science technology engineering math
The new acronym in science education today is STEM. It stands for Science Technology Engineering and Math. There is a national and state initiative to increase STEM education through out- of- school time (OST) programs. At Newman Grove High School we have had these types of programs for many years. They include the Shell Creek Watershed Research Team, Olson Nature Preserve Projects, Beaver Creek Water Quality Monitoring, the Niobrara River field trip, Colorado field trip, and Individual Science Research (ISR) Projects.
Please go to the web site At this site you will find additional information about (OST) STEM programs. Some of the highlights at this web site include:
- a link to the Newman Grove nelovesps video “Student Scientists in Action”
- Governor Dave Heinemann and Commissioner of Education Dr. Roger Breeds’ testimonials about the importance of STEM education in Nebraska
- a link to an hour long video aired on NTV on February 21 about STEM education
- and many printable files on the importance of STEM education programs
Some of the interesting facts discussed at this web site are that “over the course of a year, only 18.5% of a K-12 student’s waking hours are spent in school and that by 2018, 2,800,000 jobs will open in STEM professions.” These two pieces of information suggest that for our students to be competitive for the STEM jobs of the future they will need to continue to take advantage of the out- of- school time STEM programs we have to offer at Newman Grove High School.